Transition Cornwall+ hosts great screening and discussion

It was a great pleasure to travel an hour down the road from Ottawa to Cornwall, Ontario to participate in a post-screening (52-minute version of Powerful: Energy for Everyone) discussion on November 2, 2o11. I never know what to expect at a screening like this. A small audience of “the converted”, a big crowd with only a passing knowledge of energy issues, a bit of everything? You never know.

In this case, Transition Cornwall+ had managed to pack a room with at least 70 people, and they all stayed for the discussion. Then I sold every DVD copy of the full-length original version that I had brought with me, plus several of the shorter version and the new French-subtitled one.

It was a great event for me, as the passionate filmmaker. But it was clearly just as uplifting for the organizers and the audience. Here is some of the feedback:

Our Transition Cornwall group is really buoyed after a very successful event on Wednesday. David’s movie Powerful, was extremely well received by a large group of diverse people including two members of Cornwall City Council. David was an absolutely fabulous speaker, energetic and a fountain of solid information. He was peppered with questions for almost an hour after the movie. From the immediate feedback it seemed that people came away really satisfied to have had their understanding broadened through this very positive event and were looking forward to more.

Thanks again,

Susan T., Transition Cornwall+

To everyone who has not yet been to or hosted a screening of Powerful, what are you waiting for.


david[at] / +1-613-730-0870