Transcripts from Powerful – at last!

I was reminded today that I promised — very long ago — to make available the full transcripts of my film Powerful: Energy for Everyone. Here are transcripts of the three drugs no prescription versions:
95-minute English
Powerful transcript 95-min version
52-minute English
Powerful transcript 52-min version
52-minute French subtitled
L’énergie au pouvoir (French sub-titled version of Powerful) 52-min

Going Solar in 2013 – A Gift that Will Keep on Giving

This year we gave ourselves solar electricity for Christmas. Of all the presents that my wife and I thought we wanted to give (and get), a rooftop solar electric system rated highest. So we split the cost and went for it. At $23,000 (once the $3000 in taxes are refunded) it is by far and [...]

Ontario Feed-in-Tariff Review and Earth Day

Today the Ontario government announced the revised rates and rule changes for its pioneering Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) and Micro-FIT programs. While it was not surprising to see the rates being offered for wind and solar reduced in the range or 15-20% (reflecting just how substantially the cost of equipment has dropped), I was disappointed to see [...]

Powerful is a hit in Paris

As attractive as it was to fly to Paris for the two screenings of my film Powerful: Energy for Everyone, I settled for being there by Skype. The recent Festival International du Film d’environnement screened Powerful twice during the week of the event. Over 150 people attended the screenings. Each screening was followed by a [...]

Transition Cornwall+ hosts great screening and discussion

It was a great pleasure to travel an hour down the road from Ottawa to Cornwall, Ontario to participate in a post-screening (52-minute version of Powerful: Energy for Everyone) discussion on November 2, 2o11. I never know what to expect at a screening like this. A small audience of “the converted”, a big crowd with [...]

Transcript of Powerful: Energy for Everyone

Last night I attended a screening of Powerful: Energy for Everyone hosted by the Kanata Environmental Network, here in the city of Ottawa. As usual, I spoke after the screening, giving some insight into what drove me to make the film, and why I think the key elements of a clean/green energy future are greater [...]

One-hour version of Powerful stimulates debate about Energy security

Probably the hardest thing a filmmaker can do is cut away material. When you have spent so much time filming and then selecting your best material, it is so tough to then shorten your film even further. Yet, doing just that can often lead to a better product. Like so many producers, directors and editors [...]

Nuclear emergencies, petro-tyrannies and me

Suddenly the requests to screen my films are pouring in. While this is exciting, and means even more people will get to see, learn from, discuss and even be inspired by our upbeat films, it is with a heavy heart that I am writing this post.
I lived in Japan for two years, and covered the [...]

Clips from Powerful added to YouTube

As a newly-elected city councillor in the city of Ottawa, Ontario, time is scarce for blogging, making films and marketing my film Powerful: Energy for Everyone.
But I finally managed to post six different scenes from the film on YouTube. This should give viewers (and potential buyers and groups interested in booking a screening) a good [...]

International distribution deal for Powerful!

I hope you have had a great summer. I’ve spent mine in the last stages of preparing to bring you Powerful – Energy for Everyone. After a successful June 8 Special Preview Screening and loads of positive feedback, (my co producer at Quiet Revolution Pictures, Michael Dobbin) and I are now in the process of [...]