Powerful Interviews: Paul McKay

In this series of extended interviews on green energy and a future powered by renewable power, Paul McKay discusses how we can move from a power system dominated by fossil fuels and nuclear, to one that is based on conservation, efficiency and renewable sources.
Parts of this interview will be featured in the upcoming David Chernushenko [...]

Powerful Interviews: Paul Gipe

In this first of a series of extended interviews on green energy and a future powered by renewable power, Paul Gipe discusses the potential for Ontario and Canada, but with a global message. What are the obstacles and how do we get past accutane online canadian pharmacy them? What policies would make a real difference.
Parts [...]

Can Canada Catch the Renewable Energy Boom?

In February I put to some immediate use some of my growing collection of footage and interviews being amassed for the next film Powerful: Energy Security for Everyone. While these will find their way into this feature length film, you can view a 6-minute video prepared by James Greatrex and me for the Pembina Insitute’s [...]

The Dunbarton Dryer lives on!

Hi David,
My name is Derek Roach.  My wife Carla and I met you at the farmers market this past fall and we bought a copy of your “Living Lightly” video Be the Change.  I’m writing to say that we enjoyed the video.  My favourite part was the stairwell drying rack that was shown in the [...]

It’s OK to change course, when you are choosing a better one

I am reminded today of a favourite quotation from John Maynard Keynes, the maligned and now rediscovered British economist. I had the opportunity to live in his former house — now the “Keyneside” student residence of Clare Hall at Cambridge University —  while taking my masters degree in international relations. Okay, that is completely irrelevant, [...]

Powerful: Energy for Everyone!

Powerful: Energy for Everyone 2-minute teaser
Enjoy the teaser/trailer for David Chernushenko’s recently-completed second film, Powerful: Energy for Everyone. By taking control of our energy appetites and reclaiming control of our energy supply, we can lead prosperous lives powered mostly by renewable energy, and less social and ecological harm will be done in the name of [...]

David Visits The Currents

David Chernushenko visits Ottawa’s eco condo building The Currents to interview developer Jonathan Westeinde of Windmill Developments, and Vic Klassen, a resident as well as sales manager.
Video edited by Stan Boyle

Attention Locavores

One way I try to “Live Lightly” is to buy food that is grown locally as much as possible.  Eating locally and seasonally is more sustainable, healthier and tastier.  www.100mileradius.ca connects locavores with producers, and even has a cool chart of what’s available when here in

Real Energy Security is renewable and owned by the people

Originally published in the Ottawa Citizen, Thursday July 24, 2008 
Real Energy Security for the G8 
Lessons about power from a small town in Germany 
By David Chernushenko 
The recent G8 Summit achieved one important result. It showed that too many of our 
leaders still think energy “security” can be achieved by calling for an increase in the rate 
of oil [...]

Here are some little things anyone can do to conserve resources

Hi all,
Nightlights aren’t just for kids !! Instead of using the 600 (!!) watts of lighting the builder originally installed in the masterbath (8-60w track lights plus 2 60w lights in ceiling fixture) I brush my teeth and wash my face using a 4-watt night light with a clear bulb and clear shade right [...]