Former Green finds new outlet for old message

June 10, 2008
After years of being considered the proverbial Chicken Little, David Chernushenko has to bite his tongue to avoid saying “I told you so.”
The sustainable living advocate and former Green Party candidate for Ottawa-Centre has been witnessing the public outcry as gas and food prices rise with the wisdom of [...]

The Film Trailer for “Be the Change”

Here is the trailer for the first Living Lightly Project film, Be the Change, released on June 20, 2008, in Ottawa.

Living Off-Grid Just Outside the Big City

Thomas Levy had a dream, to build a “green” energy-efficient house, and to power it primarily with renewable energy, allowing him to avoid bringing in electrical lines. His dream became a reality in 2007, and he was looking for a good way to tell his story. Along came the Living Lightly Project. Upon reading an [...]